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1.0 General

1.01 Chapter Name

The full name of the organization shall be The International Plastic Modellers Society, Winnipeg (Valour Road Chapter) commonly known as IPMS Winnipeg and/or the Chapter.

1.02 IPMS Canada Affiliation  
IPMS Winnipeg must have three (3) members who are also members of IPMS Canada, one of whom must be the Chapter President, in order to maintain its affiliation with the national organization.

1.03 IPMS USA i
IPMS Winnipeg is a charter chapter of IPMS USA;

In order to maintain its IPMS USA charter:

ii a
IPMS Winnipeg’s President and Vice-President must both be members in good standing of IPMS USA;

ii b
the official Chapter Contact (CC) must hold membership in IPMS USA; and

ii c
five (5) IPMS Winnipeg members, which may include those of [a] and [b], must hold membership in IPMS USA.

1.04 National Memberships

Each member of IPMS Canada and IPMS USA shall maintain his or her membership in good standing and shall renew the membership without delay should the membership expire during his or her term of office.


The Chapter President shall maintain a current record of the status of Chapter members holding IPMS Canada and IPMS USA memberships and shall review the list periodically to insure status is kept current.
2.0 Purpose


The purpose of the Chapter is to locally promote and enhance the hobby of scale modelling.


IPMS Winnipeg is a non-profit operation with the general welfare of the Chapter directed by the Chapter Executive.
3.0 General


All persons interested in scale modelling are invited to join IPMS Winnipeg.

3.02 Age Requirements i
Any person under ten (10) years of age may join IPMS Winnipeg provided he/she is accompanied by a parent / legal guardian to all meetings he/she attends;

Any person over the age of fourteen (14) may join IPMS Winnipeg and attend meetings unaccompanied, provided he / she has submitted a signed parental consent form to the Membership Director; and

Any person over the age of sixteen (16) may join IPMS Winnipeg and attend meetings unaccompanied.

3.03 Membership Dues i
Yearly membership dues are required for anyone to become a member of IPMS Winnipeg;

Membership dues are collected annually based on the calendar year;

Membership dues are to be paid by standing members by no later than February of the current year;

New members will pay a pro-rated membership, calculated as being 1/12 the cost of the annual dues multiplied by the number of months remaining in the calendar year, which is to be paid by no later than the following month;

The serving members of the IPMS Winnipeg executive are excused from the regular IPMS Winnipeg membership fees for the duration of their term of office; and

IPMS Canada membership dues for the President will be paid by the Chapter.


Membership in IPMS Winnipeg is required for anyone, other than invited guests, to take part in the normal activities of the Chapter such as elections, discussions, contests and social activities.

3.05 Membership List i
The Club Membership list:

i a
shall be maintained as up-to-date as possible by the Membership Director;

i b
shall be treated as confidential information;

i c
shall not be shared in part with non-club members without the express and specific consent of the affected members; and

i d
shall not be shared in whole without the consent and approval of the Club Executive.
4.0 Executive

4.01 Committee Composition i
The Executive will consist of the elected positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Contest Director, Public Relations Director, Member-at-Large, and Membership Director;

The Executive will also include the position of Webmaster, a volunteer from the membership appointed by the Executive Committee to a period of indefinite service; and

The chairman of a standing committee may, at the discretion of the President, be considered as a member of the Executive for the duration of the committee's mandate.

4.02 Terms of Service i
Members of the Executive will serve for a term of 2 years; and

A member can not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same Executive position.

4.03 Executive Meetings

Chapter Executive meetings shall be held at the prerogative of the President.


Only the Chapter Executive, or individual(s) appointed by the Executive, shall initiate any Chapter activities associated with any individual, group, business or agency external to IPMS Winnipeg.

4.05 Impeachment of Executive

An Executive member can be removed from office by a vote of impeachment, carried by a majority of the Executive. The offense(s) involved must be clearly illegal or an unethical violation(s) of the power bestowed upon an Executive member by the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.

4.06 President i
The President's duties are to:

i a
Administer the operation of the Chapter,

i b
Chair the Executive and general meetings,

i c
Direct and supervise the other Executive members and any standing committees,

i d
Issue the Chapter Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules,

i e
Provide liaison with the National Executive of IPMS Canada;

i f
Serve as the IPMS/USA Chapter Contact (CC)

The President may invite any members and/or guest(s) to participate in discussions or other activities.

4.07 Vice-President i
The Vice-President's duties are to:

i a
Act as an assistant to the President,

i b
In the absence of any member of the Executive, assume that role and duties pertaining to the position in the interim,

4.08 Treasurer i
The Treasurer's duties are to:

i a
Submit for publication any appropriate information for the Executive and general meetings.

i b
Pay accounts,

i c
Prepare expenditure forecasts,

i d
Manage bank accounts,

i e
Prepare and submit for inspection publication of the Chapter's financial statement at regular intervals.

4.09 Contest Director i
The Contest Director's duties are to:

i a
Preside over all regular, special and Model of the Year contests,

i b
Award prizes to winning contestants,

i c
Compile and maintain accurate contest records,

i d
Circulate contest information to the membership,

i e
Recommend revisions to the Contest Rules By-Laws to the Executive as necessary.

4.10 Public Relations Director i
The Public Relations Director's duties are to:

i a
Maintain any on-going or temporary display in the Winnipeg area,

i b
Coordinate any public displays to be put on by the Chapter.

4.11 Member-at-large i
The Member-at-Large's duties are to:

i a
Chair temporary or existing sub-committees as directed by the President,

i b
Assist any or all Executive Members in their duties,

i c
Carry out any other duties as assigned by the President.

4.12 Membership Director i
The Membership Director's duties are:

i a
Orient and introduce new members to the Chapter;

i b
Introduce any visitors to a general meeting to the Chapter;

i c
Maintain the Chapter membership list;

i d
Collect membership dues;

i e
Disseminate all club news and information to the membership.

4.13 Webmaster

The Webmaster’s duties are to establish, maintain and keep current the IPMS Winnipeg website.

4.14 Standing Committees i

i a
This committee will prepare, produce and distribute the Chapter newsletters at regular intervals between the monthly meetings.

5.0 Elections

The membership will elect, out of its own members, the following Executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Membership Director, Contest Director, Public Relations Director and Member-at-Large to direct the operations and activities of IPMS Winnipeg;

With the exception of the Webmaster, whom shall be appointed by the Executive for an open-ended term, Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years by a majority vote of Chapter members in good standing.

Except in unforeseen circumstances, such as the resignation of a member from an Executive position, the positions of President and Vice-President will not be decided in the same year; these positions will be elected in alternating years to ensure continuity and stability of the Executive Committee;

Except in unforeseen circumstances, such as the resignation of a member from an Executive position, the positions of Treasurer and Membership Director will not be decided in the same year; these positions will be elected in alternating years to ensure continuity and stability of financial activities of the Executive Committee;

Incumbent Officers shall be eligible to stand for re-election, provided they have not already served for two consecutive terms in that position, or for election to another Office, including by-elections

5.02 Quorums i
Elections shall be by a majority vote of a quorum. Vote shall be by a show of hands.

A quorum of thirty-three percent (33%) of the December membership list from the previous calendar year is required in order for an election to take place.

In the event of a delay or the lack of a quorum on the scheduled election night, the presiding Executive will set an alternative date, within a reasonable period of time.

5.03 By-elections

By-elections can be held to replace any members of the Executive unable to complete their term of office, with the exception of the President.

5.04 Nominations

Any member in good standing may, without being nominated, declare his/her candidacy for election to the Executive subject to the declaration being seconded.

Should the President not complete his term of office, for any reason, the Vice-President shall immediately assume, for the term of office remaining, the responsibilities for the President.

A by-election shall be held at the next meeting, for the term of office remaining, for the office of Vice-President.

6.0 Conduct of General Meetings


A general meeting will be held monthly from January to December.


Times and dates for the general meetings will be established by the Executive and any changes will be made by the President.


Competitions, displays or other entertainment can be a part of the activities of IPMS Winnipeg.


The nature of the entertainment portion of the general meetings will reflect the members' interests as established by the Chapter Executive.


Any member of IPMS Winnipeg can address the Executive or membership at the monthly meetings.


Any Chapter business requiring the membership's consent, by a vote, needs a quorum.

Votes taken by the membership on any given motion are binding for that motion;

Results of any membership vote will be printed in the following edition of the newsletter.

7.0 Chapter Contests


Regular contests will be held, open to the membership of the Chapter.

7.02 Contest Rules

Standard contest rules will be established and regularly updated to reflect current IPMS standards and practices.

7.03 Awards and Prizes i
Awards and prizes will be presented;

Records of wins will be maintained by the Contest Director towards classification progression, as well as Model and Modeller of the Year awards.

7.04 Model of the Year

The Model of the Year award will also be known as the Charles Morrison Memorial Trophy and shall be engraved as such for presentation to the winner.

7.05 Special Contests

Special contest rules shall be instituted as required and be, as far as possible, in keeping with general IPMS standards and practices.

7.06 Contest Disputes

Any disputes in the judging of a kit during a contest must be resolved by the member through the Contest Director on the same night, prior to the adjournment of the meeting.

8.0 Constitutional Amendments

Any member can propose an amendment to the Constitution and/or By-Laws, either in writing or by oral question, at any regular Chapter meeting.

The Executive may edit an amendment proposal as necessary, so long as it does not significantly alter the member's original suggestion, prior to forwarding for membership vote

Any proposed Constitutional and/or By-Laws amendment(s) must be published one (1) month prior to being voted on.

After discussion, any amendment must be passed by the majority vote of a quorum.

Constitutional amendments may be voted on article by article or, in cases where the revisions are too numerous, as an entire body of work.

8.02 Suspension of Constitution

In exceptional circumstances, the Club Constitution may be suspended, by majority vote of a quorum of the membership, until such time as the situation is resolved.